Get started

An overview of BounCA, how to download and use, basic examples, and more.

Install BounCA

This guide shows how you can install BounCA on your platform. Hosting BounCA yourself is the safest option for keeping your keys secret. Even better to not connect you BounCA installation to the Internet. If you just want to generate some certificates, but don’t consider a high level of safety, you can use our Bounca Cloud.

Prepare your Environment

BounCA is a Django application running on a Python3 environment. We suggest you deploy a (virtual) machine with the following configuration:

  • Debian Bullseye 11 Linux

  • SSH access via key authentication, and sudo for the Root user

Ofcourse other distributions will work, but we have not tested it.

Server prerequisites

On a fresh Debian 11 machine, first update your repositories: sudo apt update

install the following packages via apt:

  • gettext

  • nginx

  • python3

  • python3-dev

  • python3-setuptools

  • python-setuptools

  • python-is-python3

  • uwsgi

  • uwsgi-plugin-python3

  • virtualenv

  • python3-virtualenv

  • python3-pip

  • postgresql

  • postgresql-contrib

sudo apt install \
    gettext \
    nginx \
    python3 \
    python3-dev \
    python3-setuptools \
    python-setuptools \
    python-is-python3 \
    uwsgi \
    uwsgi-plugin-python3 \
    virtualenv \
    python3-virtualenv \
    python3-pip \
    postgresql \

Create database

Create user and database for Postgres

sudo su - postgres
createuser bounca
createdb --owner=bounca bounca --encoding=UTF8 --template=template0
psql -c "ALTER USER bounca WITH createdb" postgres

Optionally, set a password for the bounca user.

psql -c "ALTER USER bounca PASSWORD '<your password>'"

Don’t forget to go back to your normal user, for example by using the command exit.

Create directories

Create directory for logging:

mkdir /var/log/bounca
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/bounca
mkdir -p /srv/www/

Download BounCA

Get the newest BounCA release from our gitlab package repository. Unpack it to a location where your web app will be stored, like /srv/www/. Make sure the directory is owned by the nginx user:

cd /srv/www/
tar -xvzf bounca-<version>.tar.gz
chown www-data:www-data -R /srv/www/bounca


To run BounCA you need to configure nginx, uwsgi and BounCA. First copy the files:

cp /srv/www/bounca/etc/nginx/bounca /etc/nginx/sites-available/bounca
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/bounca /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/bounca

cp /srv/www/bounca/etc/uwsgi/bounca.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/bounca.ini
ln -s /etc/uwsgi/apps-available/bounca.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/bounca.ini

mkdir /etc/bounca
cp /srv/www/bounca/etc/bounca/services.yaml.example /etc/bounca/services.yaml

You need to change the files /etc/bounca/services.yaml and /etc/nginx/sites-available/bounca for your situation. The values for the database must be changed in /etc/bounca/services.yaml, and you need to add a secret_key in the django section, and add your host name to the hosts section. The NGINX configuration file has a default config for non-ssl, in case you need https, change the file accordingly.

Install virtualenv and python packages

Create the virtualenv and install python dependencies:

cd /srv/www/bounca
virtualenv env -p python3
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup BounCA app and initialize database

The following commands will initialize the database, initialize the folder with static files. Also the fully qualified hostname must be configured, without protocol prefix. Optionally, create a super user for the admin interface.

cd /srv/www/bounca
source env/bin/activate
python3 migrate
python3 collectstatic
python3 site <fully qualified hostname>

In case the commands give you a db connection error, make sure you start the database:

service postgresql start

Check permissions

Check the permissions of /var/log/bounca. The uwsgi user, in case of debian www-data, should have write permissions. In case you face the error ` no python application found, check your startup logs for errors ` when starting uwsgi, it is probably related to the permission of the log file, directory.

Starting the application

Finally restart uwsgi and nginx.

service uwsgi restart
service nging restart

Post Installation

The admin interface can be found at: https://<your bounca url>/admin.

To access the admin interface you need an super user account. You can also create the super user via a webform, or via the commandline. You need to have enabled superuser_signup in your config file to enable the webform to create a super user. The signup form can be reached at this URI: https://<your bounca url>/accounts/signup/.

This create super user form will only be shown if no users exists. After the database is filled with users you can only create super users via the command line:

python createsuperuser --username myAdminUser --email

(Optionally: Set DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD Environment variable to set new passwords for python createsuperuser command, and execute with python createsuperuser --noinput --username myAdminUser --email

BounCA should be up and running, you can reach your BounCA installation by browsing to your BounCA machine. You will see a login screen, please create an account an login. You are ready to create your Certificate Authorities!

Update BounCA

To update BounCA you need to execute a couple of manual steps.

First, backup your database:

su - postgres -c "pg_dumpall -f /tmp/dbexport.pgsql"

Make sure you move the file from the /tmp directory to a safe place. The database will probably not very large, so zipping the file is not necessary, You can also decide to backup the code by copying or compressing the bounca installation folder.

Remove the contents of /srv/www.

rm /srv/www
rm -rf ./bounca

Get the newest BounCA release from [the packages repo]( Unpack it to a location where your web app will be stored, like /srv/www/. Make sure the directory is owned by the nginx user:

cd /srv/www/
tar -xvzf bounca-<version>.tar.gz
chown www-data:www-data -R /srv/www/bounca

### Install virtualenv and python packages

Create the virtualenv and install python dependencies:

cd /srv/www/bounca
virtualenv env -p python3
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

After installing the new BounCA version, you need to update the database, and setup the static files. Execute the following commands:

cd /srv/www/bounca
source env/bin/activate
python3 migrate
python3 collectstatic

Finally restart uwsgi and nginx.

service uwsgi restart
service nginx restart


Your keys are protected by passphrases. These passphrases are not stored in BounCA, so please remember them as they cannot be recovered from your keys.