Getting Started¶
This document will show you how to get up and running with BounCA. You can start creating your root authorities and singing your certificates in 10 minutes, depending on the configuration you use.
Prepare your Environment¶
BounCA is a Django application running on a Python3 environment. While it is highly portable setup, we suggest you deploy a (virtual) machine with the following configuration: * Debian Jessie Linux * Key authentication for the Root user
We offer three ways to install BounCA.
Ansible Deployment¶
Ansible offers the easiest way of creating a BounCA deployment for hosting your Certificate Authority.
You need to have (root) access to a fresh installed Debian Jessie (virtual) machine. On your local machine you need to have a recent 2+ Ansible installation.
Create your playbook install-bounca.yml
- hosts: all
remote_user: root
- { role: repleo.bounca,
bounca_timezone: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Amsterdam,
bounca_db_user: bounca,
bounca_db_password: <YOUR DB PASSWORD>,
bounca_db_host: localhost,
bounca_db_name: bouncadb,
bounca_secret_key: <DJANGO SECRET>,
bounca_email_host: localhost,
bounca_admin_mail: bounca-admin@<YOURDOMAIN>,
bounca_from_mail: no-reply@<YOURDOMAIN>
Ansible will install the database, webserver and so on. The parameters you provide in the playbook are used to instantiate the services. After you created the playbook, you can install BounCA by executing the following commands:
ansible-galaxy install repleo.bounca -p ./roles
ansible-playbook install-bounca.yml -i <HOSTNAME_OR_IP>,
The first collects the ansible roles from Ansible’s galaxy. The second command installs the actual BounCA system.
Don’t forget the trailing comma in the -i argument list.
Docker Deployment¶
If you want to try BounCA or you want to create a couple of self-signed certificates without having a persistent CA, the Docker deployment is the fastest way of getting BounCA. Docker offers the ability to run BounCA as an application on your local machine by running a single command.
Make sure you have installed Docker including docker-compose
and docker-machine
Clone the BounCA docker release script from the github repo:
The only prerequisite is a working Docker installation.
Create your BounCA installation with the following one-liner:
# Cool one-liner
The Docker installation is not meant for a persistent certificate authority. Use this installer for trying BounCA or to generate a couple of self-signed certificates.
Manual Install¶
In case you want to customize the installation of BounCA, you can install it manually. BounCA requires the following installed and configured packages:
- nginx
- uwsg
- postgresql-9.4
- python-3.4
- virtualenv-3.4
Download BounCA from github and unpack it in your web application directory, for example /srv/www/
Go to the root of your installation and create a virtual environment and install the python packages pip3.4 -r requirements.txt
Create a database and database user in postgresql.
Create the BounCA configuration file /etc/bounca/main.ini
for the machine specific configuration.
It should contain the following parameters:
SECRET_KEY: <value-django-secret-just-a-random-salt-string>
EMAIL_HOST: <value>
ADMIN_MAIL: <value>
FROM_MAIL: <value>
Replace the <value>
placeholder with the right values for your installation
Next step is to collect the static files: python3 collectstatic --noinput
and create the database: python3 migrate --noinput
The last step is to configure uWSGI and NGINX. The uWSGI config might look like the following example:
uid = www-data
gid = www-data
chmod-socket = 700
chown-socket = www-data
socket = /run/uwsgi/app/bounca/socket
logto = /var/log/uwsgi/bounca/log
chdir = /srv/www/bounca
home = /srv/www/bounca/env
module = bounca.wsgi
The NGINX config should contain a proxypass on the root and a location for the static files. For example the following server block
server {
listen 80;
charset utf-8;
location /static {
root /srv/www/bounca/media;
include mime.types;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_read_timeout 9600;
uwsgi_send_timeout 9600;
uwsgi_pass unix://run/uwsgi/app/bounca/socket;
You should restart uWSGI and NGINX to load the changes. BounCA should be up and running.
Post Installation¶
When the installation is finished, you can reach your BounCA installation by browsing to your BounCA machine. You will see a login screen, please create an account an login. You are ready to create your Certificate Authorities!
While BounCA has a login feature for internal use, your keys are protected by passphrases. Passphrases are not stored in BounCA, so please remember them well as they cannot be recovered from your keys.